White Tusk - Places


  1. Location and Territory: The Sandfang Orcs inhabit the vast Dunes of Karrak, a sprawling desert known for its harsh climate and treacherous sandstorms. The tribe roams the shifting sands, setting up temporary camps near oases and canyons that provide shelter and resources.
  2. Physical Characteristics: Members of the Sandfang tribe are notably taller and leaner than typical orcs, adapted to their desert environment. They have sand-colored skin, which provides natural camouflage. They typically wear light armor crafted from the hides of desert creatures and carry weapons like curved swords and spears.
  3. Leadership and Hierarchy: The tribe is led by a Chief, known as the Sandlord, chosen for their strength and wisdom. Below the Sandlord is a council of elders and notable warriors and shamans, who advise on important matters. The tribe values strength and survival skills, leading to a merit-based hierarchy.
  4. Cultural Practices: The Sandfang Orcs celebrate the annual Festival of the Scorching Sun, where they perform dances and rituals to appease the desert spirits. They believe in a harmonious existence with the desert and have rites of passage involving survival trials in the deepest parts of the dunes.
  5. Economic Activities: Primarily hunters and gatherers, the Sandfang Orcs are adept at tracking desert wildlife. They also trade with neighboring tribes, exchanging hides, crafted goods, and rare desert herbs for essentials they cannot produce.
  6. Language and Symbols: They speak a dialect peppered with ancient terms, unknown to other orc tribes. Their symbols include the Scorpion and the Cactus Flower, representing resilience and adaptability.
  7. Relationship with Other Tribes and Races: The Sandfang Orcs maintain a cautious neutrality with other orc tribes. They have occasional skirmishes but mostly avoid large-scale conflicts. Their attitude towards other races ranges from indifferent to cautiously cooperative, depending on mutual interests.
  8. Military Tactics and Warfare: In battle, the Sandfang Orcs utilize guerrilla tactics, using the desert terrain to their advantage. They are known for ambushes and hit-and-run attacks, often utilizing sandstorms for cover.
  9. Mythology and History: Their mythology is rich with tales of ancient desert spirits and the Great Sand Serpent, a deity of wisdom and protection. Historically, they are known for a legendary battle where they repelled a massive invasion from a neighboring empire.
  10. Notable Characters: The current Sandlord, Gharak the Sunseer, is revered for his foresight and battle prowess. A legendary shaman, Mira Sandwhisper, is known for her ability to commune with desert spirits.
  11. Unique Skills or Magical Abilities: Some shamans of the tribe possess the unique ability to manipulate sand and wind, a magic believed to be a gift from the desert itself.
  12. Architecture and Settlements: Their settlements are temporary, consisting of tents made from animal hides and woven grasses. These are arranged in a circular pattern around a central communal space. They build few permanent structures, except for sacred sites and burial grounds.
  13. Attire and Adornments: The Sandfang Orcs wear light, layered garments, often in shades of brown and beige. They adorn themselves with bone jewelry and tattoos that signify personal achievements and tribal affiliation.
  14. Current Challenges and Goals: The tribe currently faces a scarcity of water sources due to a prolonged drought. Their primary goal is to find a sustainable solution to this crisis, which might involve seeking new alliances or relocating to a more fertile territory.

Sub-Category: ORC PLACES