Within the realms of conflict and commerce, a common thread can be found—an exchange of valuable resources. In the vast realm of Bellaria, two opposing elements reign supreme, representing the extremes of the magical spectrum. First, there is Arcanite, a wondrous substance that generates its own magic through arca-particles, making it the most mystical and enchanting substance ever discovered by humanity. Conversely, at the opposite end, we encounter Voidglass, a substance utterly devoid of magical properties, existing as a stark contrast to the realm of magic itself.
Because Voidglass lacks any magical properties, it can’t be influenced by magic, which makes it the perfect material for trade. It’s fashioned into discs of different color and has become the universally recognized currency in the world. Since magical transformation of substances is a well-established practice, there’s a real worry about fake currency flooding the market. Opting for Voidglass as the currency is the clear solution, as it can’t be corrupted or manipulated in this way.


Arcanite is the magical world’s equivalent of gold—an invaluable resource mined from ore or salvaged from existing objects. Like any precious commodity, it can also be stolen or looted, making it a sought-after prize among adventurers and thieves alike. Most people, however, are wary of keeping arcanite at home due to the risk of theft. Instead, they often exchange it for voidglass, a safer and more secure alternative.
What makes arcanite so prized is its remarkable ability to store arca particles and generate magic, making it indispensable for crafting powerful armor, weapons, and magical items. Its unique versatility comes in five distinct types, each with its own specialized properties, further enhancing its utility in both everyday life and high-stakes adventures.
When an arcanite crystal is embedded in an object, its magic naturally extends to the boundaries of the object’s form. If you wish for the magic to extend beyond this range, the spell must account for the additional distance, requiring an extra expenditure of mana.
Arcanite is widely dispersed throughout the Earth’s crust, with no concentrated mines or veins ever discovered, making it exceptionally rare and highly guarded. Legend speaks of a long-forgotten wizard named Eryndor Thalios, who is said to have once uncovered a rich mine of arcanite in ancient times. However, the location of this mine has since been lost to history, shrouded in mystery and forgotten by the ages.
The lore speaks of the Magic Rain, a celestial shower of arcanite descending from the sky—what we might recognize today as a meteor shower. In the depths of time, there are tales of an immense and concentrated downpour, possibly a massive meteor impact. It is believed that this could be what Thalios stumbled upon.





Arcanite table



1 oz
1 oz
1 oz
1 oz
1 oz





4 00
2 000
4 000
20 000
40 000
* The amount of magical mana generated by the volume of the crystal.
** The amount of magical mana generated by the powdered form of the crystal.
If the arcanite is removed and placed into a new object, it loses 10% of its magical mana capacity.
You can allocate 20 percent of the Arcanite mana’s effect to place a destruction lock on the arcanite. This way, if someone attempts to transfer the Arcanite to another item, it will completely disintegrate.
Within the realm of Arcanite, there exist five distinct variations, each possessing a unique value. These variations are categorized by their colors, starting with the most precious green, followed by orange, blue, red and concluding with purple. Correspondingly, they generate arca-particles in ascending order, from the lowest concentration to the highest. While their power increases with their weight, it is worth noting that smaller crystals predominantly dominate the market. Arcanite stands as the core essence within all magical objects, ranging from formidable swords to exquisite bracelets. For further information regarding the value and traits of Arcanite, one can refer to the table below.
When crafting a magical object, it’s essential to imbue it with an adequate amount of mana to power the spell. The table provided above displays both the required quantity of mana and the corresponding cost of arcanite.
When mana is of a single value, it’s regarded as solid. However, when you require an amount that isn’t exact or need to mix different types, it’s treated as fractional (in parts) mana, resulting in only 80% of its full potential. You can blend various mana types within different magic sections while retaining their full value, but not within a single section.






The Obsidian Syndicate – Shield logo
At the opposite pole of the magical spectrum lies Voidglass, a non-magical substance characterized by its pearlescent glass structure. Similar to traditional gold, Voidglass can be molded according to one’s desires and even fashioned into coins. In role-playing games, these coins, known as discs, hold values equivalent to platinum, gold, silver, and copper. However, unlike their metallic counterparts, Voidglass lacks the strength necessary to serve as a practical substitute for these metals. Its main purpose is primarily ornamental rather than functional. Most common is of course coins.
Significant effort has been devoted to the artistic design of the coins to deter counterfeiting. While they may not be as strong as metal, their durability ensures they remain functional for a long time, making their intricate ornaments well worth the effort.
The Obsidian Syndicate is a clandestine organization entrusted with the exclusive production and management of the rare and enigmatic Nullium , which is refined into the renowned Voidglass ingots. Within their secretive halls, master alchemists, skilled craftsmen, and arcane artisans combine their talents and expertise to harness the raw none magical energy that infuses the world.
Counterfeiting voidglass is only feasible if one intends to deceive through appearance alone. A simple magic inspection, which has a failure rate of only 1 on a d20, can easily discern its authenticity. Moreover, replicating the precise weight of voidglass when held is a hard task for counterfeiters.
In addition, voidglass is intricately adorned by master craftsmen of The Obsidian Syndicate, further increasing the difficulty of replication, their durability ensures they remain functional for a long time, making their intricate ornaments well worth the effort. It is crucial to note that tampering with the currency carries the most severe consequence: immediate execution on the spot, carried out by a master inquisitor from the guild.
The Guild operates from a concealed stronghold known as the Sanctum of Shadows, hidden away in a remote and treacherous realm. There, they conduct intricate rituals and employ ancient techniques to extract and purify the ethereal essence that forms the basis of Nullium. With unparalleled precision, the Guild’s artisans shape the Nullium into mesmerizing Voidglass ingots, imbued with a dark translucence that seems to capture the essence of the void itself. These ingots become the coveted currency, carrying immense value and serving as a symbol of wealth and power throughout the realm.
The Obsidian Syndicate remains shrouded in secrecy, their methods known only to the chosen few who have earned their trust. They enforce stringent security measures to protect the inner Sanctum, employing elite guardians and intricate magical barriers to ward off intruders and would-be thieves.
In a traditional RPG game, the copper, silver, gold, and platinum currency primarily signifies the currency value but not in Bellaria. Voidglass, conversely, commands greater respect as it is recognized as the true currency and traditional currency are only seen as crafting material.
For the sake of simplifying trade and conversation, voidglass denominations are named as follows, in respective order: voidcopper, voidsilver, voidgold, and voidplatinum. For seamless gameplay, they are used as standard RPG currency.