Spells and Magic
In the world of magic, think of mana as the fuel that powers all spells. It’s like these tiny bits of magic dust, gathered from the stars that shower our planet. When folks use these magic specks, arca-particles, they build up their own stash of mana power. Now, here’s the cool part – except for living things, there’s something called arcanite. It’s like a sponge for mana, soaking it up so you can use it later in things like amulets, objects, and even weapons. >>>
Casting spells isn’t inherently difficult. The challenge lies not so much in making the spell occur, but in ensuring it goes precisely where you intend. You have the option to select from pre-made spells during tempel time >>>, or you can unleash your creativity to craft unique spells of your own.. >>>
Just remember, even in this world of enchantment, things don’t always go as planned. There’s more to it than just getting your aim right. Magic can meet its match with stuff like magic-resistant critters, counterspells, and amulets. So, it’s smart to have a Plan B up your sleeve, just in case your magical antics hit a snag.
To learn about magic objects you discover, you don’t use spells; instead, you use the Arcana skill to investigate them.>>>
As Spark Weaver Timber Quickspark would have put it: “In magic’s dance, failure’s chance remains, not just in casting, but in how it’s tamed”

Magic in the world
In the world of Bellaria, magic works like how technology does in our own world. Just like the lucky ones can get their hands on the newest gadgets, folks born with natural talents can dive into the cool magic in Bellaria. Imagine fans that blow enchanting breezes and fridges that keep things fresh using magic. Even the palace guards, sworn to protect their queen, rock amulets that amp up their defenses. These items come with a hefty arcanite price tag, making magic readily available to only a select few.
Actual spellcasters are pretty rare. Bellaria’s got four magic schools, so there aren’t that many people who can really do magic. But does that mean it’s impossible to become a magic whiz on your own? Nope, not at all. Think of it like the super inventive folks coming up with amazing things in our world – only a handful of really exceptional people can pull it off. So, when you meet someone who can cast spells, whether they’re a buddy or a rival, chances are they’ve been to one of those magic schools.
You only need the basic training in the school; by the time you start your PC, you have, so to speak, graduated. >>>
The wavelengths of magical fields possess visual properties similar to those of light. This means that magic from each school exhibits distinct visual characteristics, such as sparking, shining, or shimmering in specific colors based on its origin. For instance, the Divina Bellatori (War Priests) channel magic with a bluish hue. In contrast, the Terra Noxus (Dread Druids) wield magic that glows with a green tint, despite their school uniforms being purple. The Magus Militarum (Battle Mages) display fiery orange magic, while the Devoti Mentalis (Combat Sentinels) manifest deep red hues in their magical effects.
If you want to conceal the magical origin of your spell, you can use the decor option in the app to prevent it from emitting magical light. The same applies to weapons and armor infused with Arcanite spells.

Magic color of the Divina Bellatori

Magic color of the Dread Druids

Magic color of the Battle Mages

Magic color of the Combat Centinels

Once you’ve created your character, you’ll gain an understanding of your mana reserves. Mana serves as the energy source for your spells, and it is depleted each time you cast magic. When using items such as amulets or scrolls, the amulet likely contains stored arcenite, while the scroll carries a one-time mana charge provided by the spell’s creator. This means scrolls are single-use items, whereas amulets can recharge over time.
When mana is converted into a spell, it transforms into magic, a kind of free-floating energy. However, this magic is fleeting and dissipates quickly. Therefore, to prolong the duration of a spell, it requires additional mana to sustain the magic for a longer period.
When casting a spell, it will come with an inherent duration. The longer you wish it to endure, the greater the mana cost, unless it can draw from an arcanite source.
If you cast a spell of a certain strength, you may choose to restrict it to a lower power level; however, the mana cost will remain the same.
When the magic dissipates, the spell itself will vanish, leaving only its effects behind.
Unless you use transformation by using the method that works with an already existing material, the material will remain in its original form, only affected by the spell and any changes the spell imposed on it.
- Stone Wall: The wall disappears, but any pressure or damage it caused remains.
- Metal Arrow: The arrow vanishes, but the wound and the hole in the armor remain.
- Ice Cone: The ice melts away, but objects chilled by the spell stay cold.
- Healing: Since healing lacks physical elements, the wounds heal, and the spell ends.
- Animal Summoning: The summoned animal vanishes, but any effects it caused persist.
- Creating Vines: The vines disappear, but an object they lifted remains in place.
- Water Choker: The water dissipates, but the enemy remains incapacitated or dead.
- Breeze: The wind subsides, but the leaves it moved remain where they fell.
- Acid Plant Mist: The mist dissipates, but the corrosion it caused is permanent.
- Fireball: The magical fire ends, but anything it ignited continues to burn.
- Electric Jolt: The electric surge dissipates, but the effects on the target remain.
- Thief Ring: The portal vanishes as the spell ends, leaving no physical trace.
- Levitating Boulder: The boulder drops to the ground when the magic fades.
- Simple Command: As the magical willpower fades, the affected person regains their normal state.
- Mirror Image: The illusion vanishes entirely when the spell ends.
Reminder: Any effect can be made permanent with the use of a little arcanite.
Your mana recovery rates are as follows: 5% per hour while awake, 7% while resting, and 10% while sleeping/tempel time.

Mana for PC
As a player character, you begin with 100 mana, which can evolve over time in two ways. You can either reduce the mana cost of spells by advancing your mastery of elements or increase your overall mana capacity. The details of how you can advance your magic abilities can be found here.

Mana for Undead
Any being can become undead, but this state is achieved through unnatural means. To transform into an undead, you must be subjected to spellcasting after death. If you had mana in life, you retain approximately half of your original mana and spell knowledge. However, your mana regeneration is limited to 5% per hour, as the undead never sleep.
To heal the undead you will pay more mana, see app.

Mana for Animals
Animals did not evolve to harness arcaparticles in the same way that allows learning magic. If evolution has endowed an animal with certain innate magical abilities, these talents are present from birth and cannot be improved. They might instinctively activate a magical action, which can recharge over time.

Mana for Plants
Plants cannot harness arcaparticles from the air but can instead absorb arcanite from the ground as a source of power. Over time, plants have evolved certain magical defenses using this energy. But when a druid commands a plant, the command is forced through mana from the spellcaster. However, the plant itself has no awareness of its actions or the magic it wields.

In Bellaria there’s a whole mix of things – some are magical, and some are just regular stuff. If something deals out damage, like hitting someone, we call it a weapon. But weapons can also have magic in them, they can also be just magic with no damage, like a magical flying carpet.
You can come across items, buy ’em, or maybe even “acquire” them in other ways. When you’re getting all set up, you’ve got a bunch of options to choose from in the assets pile. And hey, if you’re up for some DIY action, you can craft your own items too. Just remember, if you want your creation to have that magic touch, you’ll need a sprinkle of arcanite. Oh, and here’s the twist – every time you reuse arcanite from something, it gets 10% smaller. So, make sure you use it smartly! >>>

Scrolls and potions
Scrolls and potions serve as containers for spells, rather than traditional spellbooks. When reading a scroll, it takes one turn to activate, and its effects take place in the following turn. Likewise, a potion requires one turn to be consumed, and its effects come into play in the subsequent turn.
The drawback, however, lies in the fact that as you inscribe the spell onto the paper or liquid, the mana begins to dissipate. Consequently, the spell’s effect will only be at half its potential power. For instance, if you possess 100 mana, you can only imbue spells of up to 50 mana onto the scroll or potion. Since these items emit arcane particles, they can disrupt your own mana. Therefore, you can consume twice to the same amount of mana inscribed on the scroll or potion as you have in your personal mana reserve. Beyond that threshold, you will experience the effects of the scroll or potion but also lose an equivalent amount of your own mana. If, during the reading or drinking process, you exceed your mana reserve and end up with a negative mana balance, the spell will fail, leaving you with no mana remaining. The same formula applies when it comes to magical items
This can still be worth it. If you have a healing potion and you to lower your mana reserves, you will survive with less mana rather than perishing with more mana.

Casting spells
When you want to cast a spell, it can come from your thoughts, a fancy scroll, or even a magic object. This object could be just a regular thing that’s been given some magical oomph, a weapon with a magical twist, or an amulet. And you’ve got a couple of ways to set the spell in motion – you can say some magic words or make a certain move, or in some cases just think and bam, magic happens. This depends on the creater of the spell. When this magic gets going, it taps into mana, this magic juice that either comes from inside you or gets pulled from the special stuff, arcanite, in the object.
At the start, you’re probably gonna use spells that are already cooked up. There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re into casting spells – like how far they can reach, how much damage they can do, and how much mana they gulp down. The cost of different spells varies depending on your elemental focus, class and how you progress.
When you look up a spell in the spell list, it provides information about the elements used and the steps to cast it. However, the exact mana cost is unique to each caster, so you’ll need to input the spell into the spell app located in the tools section to calculate your specific mana requirement.
When you employ magic items, scrolls, or potions for your magical endeavors, the mana expenditure will be integrated into them. It remains constant, unaffected by the user; it remains as it was when initially crafted.
So, how fast you can cast a spell depends on where it’s coming from. If it’s from your memory, an item, or a weapon, it’s instant magic, and you can do it once a turn. But if you’re pulling off a spell from a scroll, that’s gonna take two turns. And if you’re learning from a spellbook, you’ll need an hour of “Tempel time.”
Detect Magic
You detect magic through the physical ability “ARCANA.” Since the world of Bellaria is infused with magic, even though most people cannot wield it, many have developed a keen sense for detecting its presence. Be prepared—many individuals will notice when magic is in use. However, this should not be confused with the physical skill magic resistance, as most people have not been exposed to it.

There are two types of spellbooks, one is called just SPELLBOOK – it can only hold spells up to four times your mana stash. Think of it like having a handy book you can swap spells between your brain and the book itself, it will take you an hour of tempel time to swap a spell. The other is your TEMPELBOOK it holds all spells you ever get your hands on or create.To use spells from the temple book, you must first transfer them to your spellbook, which requires two hours of temple time. Moving them from your spellbook into your mind takes an additional hour.
A spellbook cannot be lost or stolen, as it is conjured into existence through sheer mental will and dismissed back into the ether when not in use. It is said that mindbreakers have managed to steal spells from these books, but such claims remain mere rumors.
Dont forget that if you find a spell that you like to write in to your spell books you have to adjust them through the spell app. The same applies when you check for spells in the spell list under assets. The app doesn’t alter the spell itself, only the cost. >>>
Curses appear on the surface much like in most popular fiction—a spell linked to a person that causes harm over time. While creating a curse is possible, it requires additional steps. The spell itself is crafted through the spell application process. To manifest a specific feature known as a curse, it must be infused with arcanate. The arcanate must be in powder form and must enter the target’s body. Once inside, it continuously activates the spell, triggering its effects each time it recharges.

Spell info
* When using scrolls/potions for offense or defense, they draw mana from personal mana reserve as their source. If you use an object that has more than twice equivalent to your own mana reserve, you’ll lose the ability to tap into your personal mana equal to the excess usage beyond this threshold.
When your personal mana reserve drops into negative values, the connected object ceases to work. You can carry several magical objects at once, and their combined mana requirements can go beyond three times your mana reserve, but no single object can surpass this limit.
** When using objects for offense or defense, they draw mana from arcanite as their source. If you use an object that has more than three times your own mana reserve, you’ll lose the ability to tap into your personal mana equal to the excess usage beyond this threshold.
Triggers & Loops
Alright, let’s dive into one of the most thrilling aspects of crafting magic. We’ll get into more details in the spell crafting section, but it’s good to have a heads-up as you embark on your adventure. We’re talking about “triggers” and “loops.”
Triggers are like secret codes you embed in a spell, allowing it to activate not when you cast it normally, but in response to a sound, scent, specific word, or even vibrations. This adds a whole new layer of complexity, especially when you’re wandering through dungeons or bank vaults. Keep in mind, though, that amulets equipped with triggers are pretty pricey in terms of both mana and arcanite, so you won’t come across them every day.
Loops, on the other hand, are also commands, but they rewind the spell or certain parts of it back to the start. This is fantastic for setting up stationary traps or defensive mechanisms. They can even unleash a rapid-fire barrage of magic, but it all boils down to your mana and arcanite reserves.
What sets triggers and loops apart is that they don’t rely on your direct casting. Instead, they activate when specific conditions are met, like magic on autopilot. However, here’s the kicker: since they work independently, they need a steady supply of arcanite to operate smoothly. So, if you’re thinking about using triggers or loops, make sure you’ve got enough arcanite in the tank to keep the magic flowing.
Magic in combat
In combat, think of spells as your magical weapon. They follow the same aiming rules as regular combat – if you miss your target, your spell simply fizzles into thin air. Spells are versatile; you can use them for both offense and defense. Plus, teaming up with a friend opens up opportunities to craft special and intricate spells for some extraordinary effects. It’s all about wielding your magic strategically!
Tempel Time
Entering Tempel Time is a deeply immersive experience where the physical world fades away, leaving only the intricate dance of mana, arcanite, and thought. For eight hours, you focus entirely on crafting and refining spells, fully absorbed in the process. Before beginning, careful preparation is essential. Ensure that your mana reserves are sufficient to fuel the spell creation, as insufficient mana will prevent the process from starting. If the spell relies on arcanite, you must maintain direct physical contact with it throughout Tempel Time, as it serves as an additional reservoir of energy. If you are collaborating with a teammate, they too must enter Tempel Time simultaneously, and both participants will remain equally vulnerable for the entire duration.
Once you enter Tempel Time, you lose all awareness of your surroundings. In this trance-like state, your senses are entirely disconnected from the external world, leaving your body defenseless. Allies may need to guard you or secure a safe location to prevent interruptions during this vulnerable period. The crafting process is entirely mental, transforming your mind into a workshop where mana and intention intertwine. You begin by visualizing the mechanics, effects, and purpose of the spell, shaping it with precise mental commands. Mana flows from your reserves, powering the spell’s construction, while arcanite energy merges with your mana if required, amplifying its potency or enabling high-cost creations.
Once the spell is complete, it must be stored for future use, and the storage method determines whether additional mana costs apply. Storing the spell in your mind incurs no extra mana beyond the cost of its creation, allowing for quick access to the spell later. However, if you choose to store the spell in a scroll or potion, extra mana must be expended during the crafting process. These items serve as single-use containers, releasing the spell on demand. Transcribing the spell into a spellbook requires a higher mana cost, as it transforms the spell into a reusable format. Finally, adding the spell to a Tempelbook demands the greatest mana investment, but this option provides unlimited storage, creating a permanent archive of all your spells.
When Tempel Time ends, you emerge from the trance with your spell successfully crafted and stored as planned. However, the vulnerability from the process lingers until you fully reorient yourself, so it is wise to immediately assess your surroundings for potential threats. The eight-hour session leaves you both mentally and physically drained, so proper preparation beforehand is crucial to avoid overexertion.
Tempel Time is as much a ritual as it is a risk, serving as a testament to the discipline and skill required to master magic. While it requires careful planning and significant mana investment, it is the key to unlocking and preserving the powerful spells that shape the world of Bellaria.