Chose your race

You start your character creation by choosing a race. All race affects your physical traits. Look at each race to se the traits. For full explanation of Physical traits se the right tab.


Orcs are a formidable creatures known for their physical strength, endurance, and fierce warrior nature. They typically have green or grayish skin, muscular builds, and some prominent tusks. Orcs often value honor, battle prowess, and tribal traditions, forming tight-knit communities led by chieftains or warlords. Their society is centered around combat training, territorial disputes, and the worship of powerful deities associated with war.

Orcs are renowned for their raw physical power and aggression, making them fearsome adversaries on the battlefield. They excel in close-quarters combat and are known for their resilience, making them excellent tanks or melee-focused characters. Strategy-wise, as an Orc, you should focus on developing your combat skills and physical attributes. Utilize your strength and endurance to excel in melee combat, whether as a frontline warrior wielding heavy weapons or a barbarian-type character relying on savage instincts.

Embrace your tribal culture, form alliances with other Orcs to bolster your forces, and strive to prove your worth in glorious battles.

sight hearing

Physical traits

















Orcs in Bellaria

Balak the Brute of Got-gar

Balak, the Brute from Got-gar, is the definition of sheer muscle and raw power. He strides through the rugged terrain of Got-gar like a walking avalanche, a commanding presence among his tribe, the Stonefang Clan. Balak is renowned for his bone-crushing grip, unstoppable ferocity in battle, and a stare that could send shivers down the spine of even the bravest foes.


Zildak Fire Master of Hallac

Zildak, known far and wide as the Fire Master, hails from the smoldering heart of Hallac, a city set within the belly of a dormant volcano. Her eyes flicker with the intensity of a thousand flames, and her mastery of fire magic is the stuff of legends. With a cloak of smoke and a staff wreathed in fire, Zildak walks with the quiet confidence of one who knows her commands the very element that can lay waste to all in its path.


Chief of Commers, Trade Rout 1

The Chief of Commers, perched at the epicenter of Trade Rout 1 in the Great Marshlands, is a cunning orchestrator of riches. With a sharp mind and sharper instincts, this Orc leader is the puppeteer behind a thriving network of trade. They possess an uncanny ability to strike deals that fill Orcish coffers to overflowing, all while exuding an air of swagger that could intimidate even the most seasoned merchants.

Trade Rout 1


Humans are the most versatile and adaptable race. They come in various appearances, cultures, and backgrounds, making them the most widespread and adaptable race. Humans possess a remarkable ability to thrive in diverse environments and pursue various paths.

Whether as brave warriors, wise mages, cunning rogues, or influential diplomats, humans can excel in almost any role. Their diversity and ambition drive them to seek personal growth, acquire knowledge, and shape the world around them. Humans value freedom, individualism, and the pursuit of their goals, often forming diverse societies that embrace a wide range of beliefs, customs, and occupations. Strategy-wise, as a human, your adaptability is your greatest strength.

Explore different paths and specialize in multiple disciplines, becoming a jack-of-all-trades or a versatile character capable of filling various roles within a group. Utilize your social skills and adaptability to navigate different situations, form alliances with other races, and excel in leadership roles. Humans can make excellent diplomats, influential figures, or well-rounded adventurers capable of adapting to any challenge.

Physical traits

















Humans in Bellaria

Nilfy the Nifty

Nilfy is a charismatic and agile Portalbane hailing from the bustling city of Galdor. With her quick wit and nimble fingers, she has earned the nickname “the Nifty.” Standing at an average height, Nilfy has long black hair and has an ever-present twinkle in her emerald-green eyes. Her attire consists of dark leather armor adorned with hidden pockets for her numerous tools and gadgets. Nilfy is known for her dexterity and resourcefulness in tricky situations, often making use of her lock-picking skills and a pair of finely crafted daggers. Her roguish charm and penchant for mischief have earned her both friends and rivals in the underground world of Galdor.


Alistair Blackthorn of Alkom

Alistair Blackthorn is a formidable Stone Templar hailing from the ancient city of Allcom. With a tall and imposing stature, he stands as a symbol of honor and duty. His ebony armor is adorned with intricate engravings, and his helm features a crest of a blackthorn branch, symbolizing his family’s legacy. Alistair wields a massive two-handed sword with precision and strength with a green amulet on the hilt. He carries himself with a stoic demeanor, guided by a strong moral compass. As a loyal defender of Alkom, he has vowed to protect his homeland and its people from any threat, be it human or supernatural.


Elena Silverleaf under Crown Tower

Elena Silverleaf is a graceful and agile character hailing from the city of Crown Tower, nestled within the towering branches of a colossal tree. With long, silver hair that seems to shimmer like moonlight, Elena is often mistaken for an elf due to her otherworldly beauty. She wears a flowing gown made of enchanted leaves and vines, which grants her the ability to move silently through the treetop city. Elena is known for her archery skills, her affinity for nature magic, and her deep connection to the mystical forces that flow through Crown Tower. As a guardian of her city, she is entrusted with maintaining the harmony between nature and civilization, ensuring that the giant tree city thrives in balance with the surrounding forest.

Crown Tower


Dwarves are stout, sturdy creatures known for their craftsmanship, resilience, and affinity for mining. They have a stocky build, long beards, and a deep connection to their ancestral homes and treasures. Dwarves live in grand underground cities carved into mountains or fortified strongholds deep within the earth. They are highly skilled artisans, renowned for their expertise in blacksmithing, and engineering.

Dwarves have a natural talent for crafting and working with metals, producing some of the finest weapons, armor, and intricate jewelry in the world. They possess great endurance, physical strength, and a natural resistance to magical influences. Dwarves value their ancestral heritage, upholding traditions, and maintaining their clans’ honor. Strategy-wise, as a dwarf, focus on mining, blacksmithing, and craftsmanship skills.

Utilize your natural durability and resilience to excel as a tank or melee-focused character, standing as an immovable force on the battlefield. Embrace your cultural ties, seek out rare materials and treasures within the world, and forge powerful weapons and armor to aid your allies in their quests.

Physical traits

















Dwarves in Bellaria

Thrain Stonebeard of
Verdant Wilds

In the land of the Verdant Wilds, an ancient and sprawling forest known for its lushness and untamed beauty, Thrain Stonebeard has made his home. Here, massive trees reach for the heavens, and hidden glens harbor secrets known only to those with the skill to navigate the dense undergrowth. Thrain’s dwelling is a hidden treehouse high in the ancient canopy. He shares this haven with his loyal companion, Burrow, the giant badger. From this lofty vantage point, Thrain keeps watch over the wilds, ensuring the safety of his home and sharing his survival knowledge with those who seek refuge in this enchanting realm.

Verdant Wilds

Gorin Stonehelm in
the Floating City of Aethertop

Gorin Stonehelm’s melodious tunes are renowned throughout the Floating City of Aethertop, a majestic metropolis suspended in the sky by powerful arcane magics. Here, soaring crystal spires pierce the clouds, and airships sail between floating islands connected by intricate bridges. Gorin’s home is a vibrant, multi-tiered tavern built into the side of a floating island, where travelers from far and wide gather to hear his songs. As the heart of attention, he regales audiences with tales of dwarven heroics, all while enjoying the breathtaking vistas of Aethertop’s ethereal skies.

Floating City of Aethertop

Thora Ironheart in
the Realm of Forgeholme

Deep beneath the surface of the world lies the subterranean realm of Forgeholme, a place of eternal twilight illuminated by the fiery glow of molten rivers and the hum of dwarven forges. Within this intricate labyrinth of tunnels and chambers, Thora Ironheart tends to the dwarven temple dedicated to the god of craftsmanship and protection. Her sanctuary is a hallowed chamber adorned with radiant crystals that glow with divine light. Here, she offers prayers and heals those who seek solace and protection in the heart of Forgeholme, always prioritizing the safety of her fellow dwarves in this underground haven.

 Realm of Forgeholme


Elves are graceful, long-lived beings with ethereal beauty and a deep connection to nature. They possess keen senses and excel in agility and finesse. In Elven society, art, music, and scholarly pursuits are highly valued. Elves are renowned for their mastery of magic, using it to manipulate the elements and heal others.

With their sharp eyes and steady hands, Elves make exceptional archers. Their swiftness and agility enable them to navigate treacherous terrains and outmaneuver foes. In diplomacy, Elves are eloquent and charismatic, often serving as ambassadors or diplomats.

In battle, Elves employ hit-and-run tactics, striking swiftly and disappearing. They are masters of stealth, sabotage, and guerilla warfare. Strategy-wise, focus on archery, spellcasting, and agility-based combat techniques.

Physical traits

















Elves in Bellaria

Elara Lithrianel in the Enchanted Forest of Sylvanar

Elara Lithrianel is a graceful elf known for her keen intellect and affinity for magic. She calls the Enchanted Forest of Sylvanar her home, a realm of ancient and towering trees, their canopies forming a celestial ceiling. Elara’s tree-dwelling, adorned with intricate elven runes, is a testament to her mastery of magic. Within her abode, she studies ancient tomes and practices her enchantments, striving to deepen her understanding of the mystical arts. Elara is an eternal guardian of Sylvanar, ensuring the forest’s harmony is preserved and its secrets protected.

Forest of Sylvanar

Galien Aelindorin in the Skyborne Citadel of Lyrion

Galien Aelindorin is a noble and charismatic elf, celebrated for her diplomatic skills and leadership. She resides in the Skyborne Citadel of Lyrion, a breathtaking city nestled amongst the clouds, accessible only through a network of graceful bridges and levitating platforms. Galien’s residence, an opulent palace suspended high in the air, reflects her elegance and stature. She serves as the ambassador of Lyrion, fostering alliances and maintaining harmony among the floating realms. Galien’s home in the clouds is a symbol of her commitment to diplomacy and unity among the skyborne elves.

Citadel of Lyrion

Thalorin Caelithorn in the Mystic Woodlands of Eldrion

Thalorin Caelithorn is a spirited and agile elf known for his exceptional swordsmanship and adventurous spirit. He roams the Mystic Woodlands of Eldrion, a land of towering mushrooms, bioluminescent flora, and enchanting creatures. Thalorin’s dwelling is a camouflaged treehouse woven seamlessly into the forest’s lush canopy. Here, he sharpens his combat skills and studies the ancient martial traditions passed down through generations. Thalorin is a protector of Eldrion’s mystical secrets, guarding against threats that seek to disrupt the balance of his extraordinary woodland realm.

Woodlands of Eldrion


Goblins are known for their dexterity, agility, and knack for invention. They excel in stealth, making them exceptional rogues and infiltrators. Their small size allows them to maneuver through tight spaces and remain undetected. Goblins are skilled trap-makers and improvisers, using their cunning to gain advantages in combat.

In society, goblins are often viewed as outsiders or outcasts due to their erratic behavior and unorthodox customs. They are resourceful scavengers, finding value in discarded items and turning them into useful tools or deadly contraptions. Goblins embrace chaos, reveling in the unexpected and often thriving in environments others deem inhospitable.

Strategy-wise, as a goblin, capitalize on your agility, stealth, and knack for invention. Use your small size to your advantage, maneuvering swiftly and remaining hidden from enemies. Focus on skills such as lockpicking, trap-setting, and sleight of hand. Utilize your ingenuity to create improvised weapons or clever gadgets that give you an edge in combat.

Physical traits

















Goblins in Bellaria

Zyx Thundershadow in
the Labyrinthine of Shadowdeep




Zyx Thundershadow is a goblin with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He calls the Labyrinthine Caverns of Shadowdeep his home, an underground maze of twisting tunnels and mysterious chambers. Zyx’s lair, carved into the heart of a massive stalagmite, is filled with ancient tomes, scrolls, and artifacts from forgotten civilizations. He is a scholar of the underground, seeking the secrets of lost civilizations and hidden magical relics. Zyx’s cavern home is a treasure trove of enigmatic lore and arcane wonders, where he invites inquisitive minds to join him on his scholarly quests.

Labyrinthine of Shadowdeep

Jinx Nightwhisper in
the Mystic Swamp of Serpentshade




Jinx Nightwhisper is a goblin renowned for her mystical abilities and mysterious demeanor. She resides in the Mystic Swamp of Serpentshade, a place where the waters shimmer with otherworldly light and ancient will-o’-the-wisps guide the way. Jinx’s hut, built upon stilts above the swamp, is adorned with talismans and magical wards. She is a practitioner of ancient swamp magic, harnessing the power of the marshes to commune with the spirits of nature. Jinx’s swampy abode is a realm of secrets and hidden magic, where she offers guidance and cryptic wisdom to those who dare to seek her counsel.

Mystic Swamp of Serpentshade

Kragg Mudslinger in
the Ruined Citadel of Darkthorn




Kragg Mudslinger is a goblin with a fascination for history and a sense of adventure. He calls the Ruined Citadel of Darkthorn his home, a decaying fortress perched atop a jagged cliff, overlooking a desolate wasteland. Kragg’s chambers within the citadel are filled with ancient maps, dusty scrolls, and the relics of fallen kingdoms. He is an archaeologist, dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the past buried within the citadel’s crumbling walls. Kragg’s citadel home is a place of historical intrigue and daring expeditions, where he welcomes fellow adventurers to join him in uncovering the forgotten tales of their world.

  Ruined Citadel of Darkthorn