Status effecs
As you encounter different situations, you will inevitably be influenced by other characters and the environment. Below is a guideline on what might happen and how to navigate these scenarios.

Bleeding is a dangerous condition where a character continuously loses health due to an open wound. If left untreated, it can lead to severe health loss or even death. Physical activity can worsen the bleeding, making combat or movement riskier. The condition is particularly dangerous when combined with other effects that prevent healing or delay medical attention.
Effect: The character takes damage over time until the bleeding is stopped.
Medical: Apply bandages or perform first aid to stop blood loss.
Surviving: Use natural remedies or improvised methods to clot the wound.
Block: Helps prevent an attack that might cause bleeding.

Disease is a progressive condition that weakens the character over time, reducing their ability to fight, move, or think clearly. Some diseases may have specific symptoms, such as fever, nausea, or paralysis, and can spread to others if not contained. The severity of the disease may increase unless properly treated.
Effect: The character suffers a reduction in Strength or Constitution and may worsen over time if untreated.
Medical: Diagnose and treat diseases with medicines or care.
Surviving: Identify and use natural remedies.
Nature: Recognize the source of a disease to prevent further spread.

Prone represents a state in which the character has been knocked down, making movement difficult and leaving them vulnerable to melee attacks. It can be the result of being tripped, thrown, or knocked unconscious.
Effect: The character is immobilized for one turn and must use their next turn to stand.
Athletics: Quickly recover from a prone position.
Acrobatics: Roll or flip into a defensive stance.
Reflex: Helps avoid being knocked prone in the first place.

Commanded occurs when a character is forced to act against their will, either through magical influence or psychological control. This effect can cause a character to attack allies, reveal secrets, or obey an enemy’s orders unwillingly.
Effect: The character is forced to follow commands until they succeed on a Mental Resistance save at the end of their turn.
Arcana: Identify and dispel magical influences.
Mental Resist: Overcome mental influence through sheer force of will.

Hypothermia sets in when a character is exposed to extreme cold for prolonged periods, leading to slowed actions, exhaustion, and eventually unconsciousness or death. It is particularly dangerous in cold environments and when a character is wet or lacks proper clothing.
Effect: The character suffers reduced movement and Strength until warmed up.
Surviving: Build a fire or find shelter.
Crafting: Create warm clothing or fire-starting tools.
Medical: Treat frostbite and warm an affected character.
Athletics: Generate body heat through movement.

Burned characters take damage over time and may suffer from reduced mobility or pain-induced debilitation. Severe burns can result in permanent physical impairments if not treated properly.
Effect: The character suffers immediate damage and reduced Dexterity until treated.
Medical: Treat burns and prevent infection.
Surviving: Use cooling techniques to minimize damage.
Aquatics: Douse oneself in water to put out flames.
Reflex: Dodge fire-based attacks before they hit.

Paralyzed characters are completely immobilized and unable to act, often due to poison, nerve damage, or magical interference. It leaves the character extremely vulnerable to attacks.
Effect: The character cannot move or take actions until they succeed on a Constitution save at the end of their turn.
Medical: Treat paralysis if caused by a physical condition.
Nature: Find or prepare antidotes for venom-based paralysis.

Blinded renders a character unable to see, making navigation, combat, and perception-based tasks nearly impossible. It can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause.
Effect: The character suffers disadvantage on attacks and perception checks until their sight is restored.
Medical: Treat blindness caused by injury or illness.
Nature: Use natural remedies to restore vision.
Reflex: React to movement based on auditory or sensory cues.

Deaf prevents a character from hearing, which limits verbal communication and makes them vulnerable to surprise attacks.
Effect: The character cannot hear, making communication and sound-based perception impossible.
Medical: Treat deafness caused by injury or illness.
Arcana: Restore hearing if the effect is magical.
Reflex: Detect movement through vibrations or heightened awareness.

Unconscious characters are completely incapacitated and unable to take actions, leaving them vulnerable to attacks and environmental dangers. They can fall unconscious from exhaustion, injury, or magic.
Effect: The character is incapacitated until revived or enough time passes.
Medical: Stabilize an unconscious character.
Surviving: Use emergency techniques to wake an ally.

Entangled characters are restrained by vines, ropes, or magical energy, making movement and actions difficult. They may be unable to dodge attacks or take offensive actions.
Effect: The character’s movement is reduced to 0 until they break free.
Athletics: Break free using brute strength.
Acrobatics: Slip out using agility.

Poisoned characters suffer ongoing damage or stat penalties as toxins spread through their system. Some poisons act quickly, while others have delayed or cumulative effects.
Effect: The character suffers the poison effect or stat reduction until the poison is removed.
Medical: Administer antidotes or purge toxins.
Nature: Identify natural detoxifying agents.