Spell crafting
Spell crafting is entirely optional. If you prefer a more traditional approach to managing your character, you can select spells, weapons, and items from the Game Assets. On the other hand, if spell crafting piques your interest, then this is the right path for you. All spells are constructed using at least one section, and each section is a small spell in itself. To increase complexity, you link these sections together. Every section contains one or more triggers. When one section completes its course, the next is triggered by something from the one before it. This system allows you to create highly intricate spells, with the size ultimately depending on the amount of mana or arcanite at your disposal.
You can craft spells that draw mana from multiple sources, including both the spellcaster and any arcanite they or you possess. The arcanite or/and person must be in contact with you during the spell’s creation for its mana to be utilized. For instance, if someone physically joins you in temple time, you can combine your mana to create a more powerful fireball. The sources of mana, including the need for physical contact with other contributors, must be specified when the spell is initially crafted. Once a spell is finalized, the configuration of mana sources cannot be altered; to change this, you would need to recreate the spell. You can store the completed spell in your spellbooks for later use when conditions are favorable if you don’t want to store it in your head.
As you create your spells, there is some flexibility in how the spell rules are interpreted. However, this might lead to arguments between players. To resolve this, follow the three rules.
Three Magic Rules
- Interpret the spell in a way that ensures anyone affected by it still considers it fair.
- Agree with your campaign group on how to interpret spell mechanics and creation.
- In case of conflict, play like a gentleman—choose the less destructive option.
Finally, if all else fails, the Game Master always has the final say.

A section is put together by specifying its different parts, which remain constant throughout the sections but each of them offers multiple choices. Below, you’ll find a simple explanation of how these parts function and how to connect them. Finally, at the end, there will be an example of how to create a spell.
Magic defies the natural laws of physics; every component of a spell or incantation immediately responds to its corresponding instructions. There’s no gradual buildup of heat when conjuring a fireball, and freezing something in ice doesn’t require hours of waiting. Spells react instantaneously to their triggers.
Once you’ve got the hang of crafting sections, it’s as easy as snapping your fingers to mix ’em up into a spell that’ll leave the realms in awe. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s kick things off with the building block of enchantments – creating a section!

How do i chose my element
When choosing an element, of course, it matters which spell you want to create. However, don’t forget that your guild has certain elements that are less costly to use. Plan ahead as you progress, considering which guild aligns with your playstyle and the types of spells you want to cast.
A spell must have a start trigger, which is built-in upon creation. Once set, the spell can only activate through its designated triggers. You can combine multiple triggers to refine and focus the spell’s activation. You might think you’ve found the perfect trigger, but remember—situations can change. Sometimes, leaving it slightly vague can be beneficial, allowing the spell to adapt to a wider range of scenarios.
Choosing How to Create Your Spell
When crafting a spell, you can choose from the following methods:
Force – Tapping into the energy of the element without manipulating its physical substance.
Thin Air – Creating the spell without using existing materials.
Convert – Utilizing a different element with similar properties but keeping the same form.
Transform – Using an element with the same or similar characteristics already available to you.
So, which one should you choose?
Keep in mind that you might not always have time to enter Temple Time, nor would you want to, as it could slow down the game. Think about your playstyle and what suits you best.
For example:
✔ Mana saving might prefer Convert, as it costs less but leaves traces.
✔ Stealthy players use force and pay the highest cost, but their spells leave no clues behind.
Plan ahead and choose the method that best supports your strategy!
Form defines the specific way an element is used. Some elements can only exist in a single form, making the choice straightforward. However, for those with multiple forms, use them strategically to maximize the effectiveness of your spell.
As you select your element and form, it will unlock specific choices related to that element. The options within the spell app are intentionally broad, allowing for some personal interpretation. To avoid disputes, be sure to follow the three rules outlined at the top.
Amount and Effect
When choosing the amount, don’t think of it as being made of the specific element listed—the list simply provides a reference for volume. Instead of using cubic feet or meters, objects are used as a measurement to make it easier to visualize during gameplay. For example, if you were to move a block of stone that is 4.5 cubic meters, how big is that? To simplify, an average size is assigned, and the Game Master will adjust as needed.
Distance, speed and duration
Distance is straightforward—the spell will travel at the given speed until its duration expires. However, keep in mind that a higher speed may cause the spell to reach its target before the duration ends. To ensure the best outcome, visualize how the spell will play out or consult the Game Master for clarification.
Decor can be used both as a heroic effect to enhance your presence or as a way to influence the enemy by adding an ominous aura to the spell. This is especially effective for spells with a mystical nature, such as curses or illusions.
Decor can be used both as a heroic effect to enhance your presence or as a way to influence the enemy by adding an ominous aura to the spell. This is especially effective for spells with a mystical nature, such as curses or illusions.
Saving throw
The system will suggest saving throws if the situation changes or if new factors complicate or simplify it. The Game Master can then adjust the saving throw to better suit the specific circumstances.
The most obvious way to energize a spell is by using your own mana. However, if you account for additional sources during Temple Time, you have two more options. First, you can use Arcanite, ensuring it is present during Temple Time and easily accessible while casting the spell. Second, you can channel mana from a teammate, combining your forces to create a stronger spell. In this case, your teammate must be present during both Temple Time and the actual spellcasting.
Healing, Defence and Damage
Not all spells are meant for damage, healing, or defense—some are purely illusions or practical solutions to in-game challenges. When the app presents one or more of these categories, it likely applies, but the situation may introduce additional factors that require adjustment. If you’re unsure, consult the Game Master for clarification.
Connecting sections
Finally, once you’ve created a section, you can link it to other sections in any order you choose. However, remember that just because the first section has a trigger to start the spell, you must properly chain the sections together. The second section’s trigger should depend on something occurring in the previous section to ensure a smooth progression.
This is an example of a TWO-section spell, broken down step by step.
A whirlwind of bananas swirls around the enemy, disrupting their vision, concentration, and movement.
MANA: 41
Let us create the bananas
DURATION: 1 turn
AREA: 1×3 ft
MANA: 48
Now, the wind sweeps up the bananas, carrying them around the enemy.
DURATION: 1 turn
AREA: 5×15 ft
As you combine sections, you create increasingly powerful spells, but they also become more expensive to cast. Each section imposes a limit on the spell’s range. For instance, if you intend to erect a stone wall beyond 25 feet, you must pair it with a portal spell, as the portal element offers a range of 200 feet.
Detailed description of sections >>>